The internship of Kyiv and Lviv Polytechnic Universities representatives at the FLC at WUT

From 20 to 24 November 2023 Olga Demydenko, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at Kyiv Polytechnic University, and Oleksandra Stepaniuk from the Foreign Cooperation Office of Lviv Polytechnic University completed their internship at the Foreign Language Centre of the Warsaw University of Technology within the framework of the NAWA programme Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities.

Stoją od lewej Anna Król, Oleksandra Stepaniuk, Dorota Chromińska, Nataliya Hots, Olga Demydenko, Lucyna Skwarko

Standing from left: Anna Król (FLC), Oleksandra Stepaniuk (Lviv Polytechnic), Dorota Chrominska (FLC).
Seated from left: Nataliya Hots (Lviv Polytechnic), Olga Demydenko (Kyiv Polytechnic), Lucyna Skwarko (Director of FLC WUT). Photo FLC.

The internship was coordinated by Dorota Chromińska from FLC. During the visit a number of meetings were held with FLC and Center for International Cooperation staff summarising the activities conducted so far by FLC within the NAWA programme Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities such as the Polish language discussion club, intensive academic English course for female doctoral students, language tandems, and study visits. 


Seated from left: Agnieszka Bursztynska (Erasmus+ Office), Nataliya Hots (Lviv Polytechnic), Olga Demydenko (Kyiv Polytechnic), Grzegorz Robak (Director of the Center For International Cooperation).
Photo by Piotr Szczepanski.

The interns also participated in FLC classes, exchanged experiences with the lecturers and networked.

The visit was also an excellent opportunity to discuss future projects to be conducted within the framework of the cooperation of FLC with Lviv and Kiev Polytechnics.