Visit of delegation of University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico to WUT

On 14th October 2015 Warsaw University of Technology hosted a delegation of the University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, headed by President Professor Arlindo Oliveira. The representatives from Portugal held a meeting with the Vice-Rector for Science Professor Rajmund Bacewicz, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Professor Krzysztof Lewenstein and Deputy Director of Centre for International Cooperation Ms. Marta Szajnowska-Ksit.

During the meeting participants presented the greatest strengths of the two Universities and discussed the possible areas of cooperation in the field of research and technology transfer. Among important ideas for collaboration, the following areas were indicated: bioengineering, biomechanics, nanotechnologies, electronics and information Technologies, nuclear energy and aerospace engineering.

Following a previous visit paid by IST representatives earlier on this year (28th July 2015),the October reunion was related to an agreement between Instituto Superior Técnico and four Polish universities of technology – Warsaw University of Technology, Military University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology. The agreement was signed by the parties  in Łódź, during a Portuguese Day on 12th October 2015.
