WUT for Ukraine - Insights from NAWA projects

Nearly 500 representatives of Kyiv and Lviv Polytechnics, including almost 300 stationary, took part in activities organised by Warsaw University of Technology as part of the NAWA's ‘Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities’ programme. 

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Warsaw University of Technology Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski speech during the conference ‘WUT for Ukraine - Insights from NAWA Projects’.
Photo: Michał Stępnik (Communications and Promotion Office of WUT).

NAWA invited Polish universities associated in alliances under the ‘European Universities’ project to this initiative. This was one way of helping the Ukrainian scientific community to continue its activities despite the ongoing war in the country. The contract for the implementation of the programme was signed by the Warsaw University of Technology (which is part of the ENHANCE Alliance) in December 2022. In turn, the years 2023-2024 saw specific activities in areas such as research, education, culture or administrative staff development. During this time, we organised 30 events for students, PhD students, researchers and administrative staff from Kyiv and Lviv Polytechnics at WUT. These included conferences, summer and winter schools, language courses and tandems, hackathons, workshops, and study visits. We also hosted events such as Ukraine Day and the Innovative Didactics conference. 

The activities were coordinated by the Centre for International Cooperation. Six faculties were involved in the project: Electronics and Information Technology, Geodesy and Cartography, Building Installations, Hydrotechnology and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Process Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering of Energy and Aeronautics, as well as the Foreign Language Center, the Student Government and the Doctoral School. 

We summarised our activities under the ‘Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities’ programme at a conference held at WUT on 29 November 2024. The event was attended by the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Prof. Andrzej Szeptycki, the Vice-Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, the Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations of Lviv University of Technology Prof. Nataliya Chukhray, the First Vice-Rectorr of Kyiv University of Technology Prof. Mykhailo Bezuhlyi and Radoslaw Podgrudny from NAWA. The conference was an opportunity to recall implemented activities, discuss cooperation between the polytechnics of Warsaw, Lviv and Kyiv, and reflect on future support for Ukrainian universities.