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International cooperation

International cooperation at Warsaw University of Technology is carried out through a number of activities aimed at establishing contacts with international partners, involvement in joint research and development as well as educational undertakings, recruitment of international candidates for studies in Polish and English as languages of instruction and promoting Warsaw University of Technology abroad.


All above-mentioned activities are conducted by the Centre for International Cooperation whose task is to organize, inform, advise and promote as well as coordinate activities of Warsaw University of Technology in the area of international cooperation. The main goal of the Centre for International Cooperation is to stimulate development through organization and support of international cooperation, in the scope of both, research and education.


Centre for  International Cooperation deals with most of international research and education programmes, bilateral agreements with foreign universities, scholarships and travels of WUT students and staff and visits of foreign students and staff to our University. Other tasks of the Centre are collecting and distributing of information on international cooperation, including running of the appropriate database to keep the record of participation in international research and education programmes of WUT organizational units, students and staff.


To contact our University or the Centre for International Cooperation, please write at cwm@cwm.pw.edu.pl