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ENHANCE+ Local Launch Event at WUT
Warsaw University of Technology organised an information meeting about the ENHANCE Alliance on 21 November 2024 at 4 Rektorska Street. The meeting was attended by WUT staff implementing the ENHANCE project at our university and participants from across the university, including pro-deans and students. More than 50 people registered. The meeting was opened by Grzegorz Robak, Director of the Centre for International Cooperation and ENHANCE+ Core Officer, who characterised the most important achievements of WUT in ENHANCE in recent years and discussed current WUT activities in the Alliance.
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Adam Styk, PhD (Faculty of Mechatronics) - Education Officer at the Warsaw University of Technology - talks about European Education Pathways within ENHANCE. Photo: Piotr Szczepański.
The meeting consisted of two parts. First, WUT staff involved in ENHANCE talked about the activities and plans in the different work packages. This was followed by meetings at 6 thematic tables, during which the participants of the event could talk to the speakers and obtain more information about the activities carried out at WUT in ENHANCE.
Prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski (Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology) - leader of WP8 ‘New Formats and Frameworks’ in the ENHANCE Alliance and Adam Styk, PhD (Faculty of Mechatronics) - Education Officer at WUT - jointly gave a presentation on the ENHANCE educational offer for WUT and WUT for ENHANCE in the field of short and long forms of education. They talked, among other things, about the cyclical short forms of education organised by WUT such as the Climate Change Summer School and the Data Literacy Winter School, and about the process of collecting educational offers in the alliance.
Dorota Chromińska, MA, talks about the plans to create professional tandems for academic and administrative staff at universities in the ENHANCE Alliance. Photo by Piotr Szczepański.
Subsequently, Dorota Chromińska, MA, Foreign Language Centre of WUT Proxy for cooperation with ENHANCE and Centre for International Cooperation and coordinator of the ENHANCE language tandems, one of WUT's flagship projects under ENHANCE, presented the main assumptions and statistical information on tandems, as well as plans to create professional tandems for academic and administrative staff of the ENHANCE universities. She also discussed activities supporting language tandems such as the ‘Say hello to...’ series of country and culture information meetings and Sprachcafe workshops.
Łukasz Sztern from the Innovation Centre at WUT, representing WP5 ‘Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation’, presented the possibilities of supporting start-ups in ENHANCE. He talked, among other things, about the mentoring programme for start-ups, which he implements together with Prof. Agnieszka Skala from the Faculty of Management, Eliza Nowacka from the WUT’s Innovation Incubator and academic teachers from other ENHANCE universities.
Katarzyna Zambrzycka-Papuda, PhD - leader of Task Force Ukraine in the ENHANCE Alliance - presented the activities that our university has carried out for two ENHANCE Associated Partners from Ukraine - Lviv Polytechnic National University and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. She talked, among other things, about the organisation of the Ukraine Day at WUT and the Innovative Didactics conference, and also presented plans for the establishment of the ‘Ukraine Corner’ association in ENHANCE and support for the future reconstruction of Ukraine after the war using the scientific potential of the ENHANCE universities.
Future Learning workshop. Photo by Piotr Szczepański.
Piotr Pałka, PhD - representative of WP3 ‘Future Learning’ - talked about the challenges of educating current students and future students of the alpha generation and the need to create a Smart Learning Environment with the use of modern technologies.
Thematic table with ENHANCE educational offer. Photo by Piotr Szczepański.
The first part of the meeting ended with a question-and-answer session. This was followed by meetings at six thematic tables and a Future Learning workshop led by Piotr Pałka, PhD and Katarzyna Zambrzycka-Papuda, PhD. Workshop participants were asked to conduct a learning interview with a GPT (Large Language Model) chat room set up especially for the occasion.
The ENHANCE+ Local Launch Event at WUT ended with a networking session with participants and speakers.