Professor Jarosław Arabas from the Warsaw University of Technology at ENHANCE Conversations 2022

On 24 November, a meeting of the ENHANCE Conversations series was held at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen) to accompany the meeting of the Board of Directors and Steering Committee of the ENHANCE cosortium, to which Warsaw University of Technology belongs.

ENHANCE Conversations is a cyclical meeting of entrepreneurs, politicians, researchers and citizens interested in the future of Europe, who are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of our civilisation. The theme of this year's meeting was digitalisation and the development of artificial intelligence in the context of diversity and inclusion.

One of the participants at the ENHANCE Conversations was the Director of the Institute of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Prof. Jarosław Arabas, selected as an expert on artificial intelligence.

In his speach, Prof Arabas pointed out that technology scientists consider intelligent systems to be systems that can learn. This second perspective seems crucial in understanding what artificial intelligence is.

To view the recording and website of the meeting CLICK HERE. 


fot. Sarah Rauch